This week I read a mentor text from The New Yorker that discussed how Stephen Smith became the face of ESPN. The article opened with one of Smiths hot topic comments regarding Trump and his tryst with Stormy Daniels a porn star that he paid to keep quiet. So, my initial reaction was the article would dive into Smiths commentary on that situation. To my surprise, the article jumped around discussing Smiths career before ESPN, and various shows and commentaries he made that got him to be held with such esteem on ESPN. Through this mentor text I think I could use the strategy of a third person looking in to write my own where I'm from, where I am, and where I'm going piece. I also could employ the strategy of not having a chronological or connecting body, I can jump around or included short, detailed snippets from specific memories too. Lastly, another interesting strategy that confused me initially was the author would dedicate whole paragraphs to explaining other persons for instance some of Smiths coworkers, but I can see how that material could be relevant in explaining Smiths rise to fame. Similarly, whole paragraphs would be dedicated to describing the scenery and I think that strategy is a great way to help the reader visualize exactly what is happening. This mentor text was eye opening in the sense that my writing does not have to be chronological, and it doesn't have to flow from beginning to end of a story without going off on tangents. I'm glad I got to read this article, or my story would have ended up extremely bland or basic.